Sorry to have neglected you, Let me update all on the past two months.
-God: Right by my side through it all. Learning to trust in the craziness of life.
-Kids: E started Kindergarten, and is so cute in her little uniforms. I can't believe she's 5. I remember holding her the day she was born, and thinking someday she will go to kindergarten. But it all happened so soon. Does anyone know how to slow down time? I adore her. She's so smart, so much more intuitive than I was at her age. She has this really great relationship with my Mom. They are like two peas in a pod. I think my Mom is E's best friend, her Yah-Yah. I think it's awesome. The '3 gens' love to get together and watch Toddlers and Tiaras. I think she's pretty special, and she's Daddy's buddy. She's our "E."
E's first day of school
Jack (J-Dubs, JW, Jack William, Dude) is using sign language very well and many words. He loves to eat (loves candy, chocolate, etc. - such as sweet tooth). He loves his "Nomie" (my Dad) and "boobie" (yea, that's right, it's for Scooby, our dog). He is struggling the past couple of weeks with a change in routine and lots of visitors. My Uncle Bob is very ill, and it's been a little stressful for the Dude (new faces and I was working late, so that didn't help). He is also experiencing a bit of the "terrible not-yet-two-but-almost." We love our lil' man, and he's get back in his groove soon. I am certain.
The Dude
-Husband: Nick is awesome, he quit smoking (since May 27th). He's so wonderfully honest and sincere. You never have to guess with Nick. He is who he is. With the ups and downs of quitting smoking, he remains authentic and humorous. We celebrated our eight year wedding anniversary with a "stay-cation" at Westgate. We went to Saddle Ranch, Shout House, and stayed at the Renaissance Hotel. It was so amazing, and we have as much, if not more, fun as we did when we were teenagers: singing, laughing, loving. We are inseparable. This love is amazing and real, and I am thankful each day for Nick. That night (with no kids and no driving needed, walking distance to the hotel), I may have had a little too much to drink and hiccuped very loudly in the large, echoing lobby - that is what I have been told (wink).
Family: My sister-in-law and brother-in-law just had a little baby boy: Benjamin Seth Hungerford. We get to meet him this fall. I am so excited! We have seen this precious boy on Skype. Can't wait to get my hands on him. :)
As mentioned above, my Uncle Bob is very ill. He will be relocated to a group home tomorrow. He was on death's door step last week. It's been a roller coaster of emotions. In the end, what I found is family is everything, and family matters. I have grown closer to my cousins, and for that I am very thankful. Uncle Bob loves our big, crazy family, and we would be happy to know that.
My cousins: Janelle (Bob's granddaughter) and Emma (Bob's great granddaughter)
Work/School: Work is great, busy, fast-paced, crazy, awesome, and fun. I am still working full-time educating the Nursing staff. I love anything neuroscience related, and have found a true passion in developing this program at my hospital. I am back in a MSN-Education program and finished my class with an A+. Nine more classes to go. Yea!

Nurses are the most trusted profession.
That's what I can remember now (I am sure I am leaving a ton out).