Sunday, September 26, 2010


I was actually sound asleep at 8:08pm tonight, when a little stark naked child woke me up, "Mommy, I just want to snuggle with yoooooooou!" She is finally asleep now, and I am UP! Isn't that how it works? :)

I have been studying like crazy for an exam I am going to take to become a certified neuroscience nurse (CNRN). I am learning so much. It has made me such a better educator and nurse. "Homonymous hemianopia," you say, let me tell you about that... :) Total neuro nerd, and I love it. I am taking a class to prepare me for the test at Barrow's Neurological Institute (BNI) - a branch of St. Joseph's hospital. It is where people all over the world come for neurosurgery. I am learning from the best, so that is pretty awesome.

So much is going on at work, and I pray everyday in the car for God to use me however He needs me to help others. God took he up on that offer in some pretty miraculous moments. I think the CNRN education will help me even more with His work.

Now I am going to try to go back to bed...

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