Today my Aunt Audrey Simpson died after a battle with lung and brain cancer. She had been dating my Uncle Frankie (my father's brother), since she was 14! They met and fell in love in Erie, PA. My parents and my Aunt Ruthie (my father's sister) went to visit her for the last time in June. They got to say their good byes and express their feelings. I was going to visit, but felt a letter would be best. Since I have become a mother, I am more emotional. I felt if I saw her in person, I would not be able to verbalize what I needed to tell her, so I sent her a letter. I also wanted to remember her laughing, dancing around, and our last hug in my parent's
living room. I knew that was the last hug, and so did she. We hugged extra tight, and said I LOVE YOU! We both had a tear in our eye. She received my letter on Friday, and was able to read it and enjoy the pictures of
She is at peace now, and we are at peace knowing all that needed to be said was said. All the love was given, all the hope
received, and all the dreams
fulfilled. She lived a wonderful life, married her true love, had two beautiful sons, a
supportive daughter-in-law, and an amazing granddaughter. Everyone loved Audrey. Her life mattered, and she made a difference to us. I will never forget her.
It sounds like a cliche, but seriously, have no regrets. Tell the people you love exactly how you feel. If you can't say it in person, say it in a letter. Do what you want to do, don't be scared. You only have one life on this earth. It's okay to take chances. It's freeing to live in those moments and that honesty.
I love you, Aunt Audrey.
Your Georgia Peach
Beautifully written. Our thoughts are with you guys.
Noelle-she knew how much you loved her, and she felt the same about you. What a special gift for you to have an Aunt like our Audrey!
Thank you so much for your kind, loving words. Your parents told us about your blog. We couldn't get the comments section to work, so your mom is putting this on for us. Scott & Uncle Frank
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