Friday, March 20, 2009

New Me

Today I met with a wonderful physical therapist who focuses on holistic medicine. Totally my kind of thing, as nursing utilizes holistic concepts.

Anyway, for years I have had headches and since E was born, shoulder issues. He realigned my hips, sacrum, and spine. I have never felt better! No headaches since the meeting! Also he said, "Your posture, um... Sucks!" It was hilarious. So he gave me exercises and reminders to assist me with my sucky posture. :-)

One hour of therapy took away years of pain, amazing! I can't believe how good I feel. After feeling achy and frankly old for years, I finally feel 28. Not 82! :-)

So in the past two weeks, I had my angry appendix out, intestines surgerically repaired, and body realigned. I didn't even know I was so out of wack. Feeling crappy is not a normal feeling, and I thought it was. It's not, it's your body telling you something is wrong.

I challenge each of you to really listen to your bodies: I have not for years, and now I am finally taking care of me. What holds you back from caring for you? There is only one life, live! Care for yourself, be healthy! :)

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