Monday, May 18, 2009

Back bloggin'

Hi Friends and Family,
It has been a long time. Let me update you on our lives...

-Elayna is amazing. Growing by leaps and bounds. She had her 6 month eye check up. Her eyes were inverting when "reading" with the glasses. She needed bifocals. We bought her the cutest pair of "Mommy bifocal glasses." She is doing well with them-hard adjustment. She loves school, life, and is full of energy!

-Nick lost his wedding ring! He takes it off at night, and it was not there when he woke up. He has been upset over losing it, and even looked all through the trash! Since then, he took E to the park and an attractive woman said, "It is tough being a single parent." Nick said, "Yes, it must be, but I wouldn't know, I'm married." Good answer, Nicky. Let's get that ring back on my man!! :) hehe!

-On another note: My Mom has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. She recognized the symptoms early and sought help. I am so proud of her! It's been a tough struggle with Grandma and the cards life has dealt her recently-Grandma's new terminal cancer diagnosis, moderate dementia, moving Grandma to a group home, Grandma being so mean, etc etc. Mom has her good days and bad. I am so proud of my Mom because there is no shame in her diagnosis. This is truly God working in her. She does not mind talking about it, working through it, and reaching out to others even though she is in great need. Please keep her in your prayers! She is so amazing!

-We did have the best visit with Grandma the other day. She was not mean at all! She was full of love and laughter, just like old times.

-God. Through all these ups and downs, He has shown me unconditional love. I am amazed by His perfect plan and work in our lives. Not to get all "holy roller" on you, but I challenge you to find your higher power. It makes life so much more easy to deal with and not so scary.

Bye for now!

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