Monday, May 4, 2009

Bullet Point Updates

-We started going to church again!
-We are raising a very creative little 3 year old! She amazes us everyday.
-Still having trouble getting her to sleep at night-any thoughts? She is scared of the smoke alarm. "A witch put it in my room. It's bad!" She keeps a bright light on too! I think she is at that "boogy-man" stage. It's a little annoying, argh!
-I finished my 3rd class in my Master's program!
-My best friend, Emily, and her husband, Read, came to visit. Great time at PIR! Go Mark Martin!
-Work is crazy-busy!! We are moving into a new tower so soon!

Now for the sad news:
-Sad news: Grandma's dementia is getting worse: verbally attacked me and Mom at the group home. Horrible.
-More sad news: The owner's (of the company Nick works for) son died at 24 last week of brain cancer. We attend the funeral this week.
-It gets worse: Melissa's sweet cat died at age 9.
Does all that suck or what!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep it does. Thats why we should always cherish each day with our loved one and good friends!! Danette (aka Dano)