Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day from Elayna to Daddy

From Elayna:

"Happy Father's Day, to Daddy. I like my Daddy to play "tick-tock" with me. I like Daddy helping me get dressed. I like Daddy taking me to Einstein. I like Daddy when he swings me like a monkey. I like Daddy helping me brush my teeth. I like Daddy helping me paint. Daddy helps me play my computer. I like Daddy helping me color. And then I like Daddy helping me get popciles. Daddy helps me go to school. I like to ride in my wagon with Daddy. I love him, and he eats pancakes withe me. I am done with writing, Mommy, can you put "Little Bill" on and get me some pancakes and yogart...I love you, Daddy, E."

1 comment:

Becca's Blog... said...

I love the new glasses, maybe when I come out and visit she can pick me out some new frames?