Andrew Segal aside, I am sad to not see my dear classmates. I really loved J-D.
So I will have to visit them all in facebook land for now.
I can't believe I haven't seen Jennifer Gale since 1999. I was so looking forward to seeing you at the reunion. But we haven't missed a beat since reconnecting last year (so glad for that!). :-)
And my Becca Reese. I wanted most of all to go to the reunion with you. :-( (tear)
Oh well, maybe in 2019 (oh Lord, I will have a 13 year old and a 9 year old). Rewind, let's keep it in good ol' 2009!
Did you guys know that I do have one JD classmate who I am close to who LIVES in AZ?
Randy Bailly! Nick and I are friends with Randy and his wife (Crystal). We are going to meet for dinner next week, as a matter of fact. Nice to see a fellow Syracusian (is that a word?) in the Valley of the SUN!

SO SAD! I was looking forward to seeing you! :( Well I guess I will just have to figure out a way to see you in sunny AZ sometime before 2019! There is always a need for a vacation! MISS YOU little Mama!
I will take lots of pictures for you... and do some investigative reporting. You'll have to be available via text messaging for a good portion of that Friday night so we can have a running commentary! I will also need to come and visit sometime soon :) Let's figure it out...
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