Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I will not be able to attend my J-D-H-S 10 year High School reunion as planned. I will not be allowed to fly at that time. Total bummer. I loved High School, really loved it. I will miss seeing all the Red Rams from my group of "Ugs" (why did we pick that name?) to the cheer girls to Andrew Segal (I am so fascinated that he is like this ladies' man now via the pictures on face book. He was always carrying way too many book way too fast. Smart. Nerdy. But back to the the books... I swore he would have back issues for life. Not so much, he is more like rubbing lotion on beautiful women, sporting a tan, and living it up. What does he do? Someone investigate for me at the reunion).

Andrew Segal aside, I am sad to not see my dear classmates. I really loved J-D.
So I will have to visit them all in facebook land for now.

I can't believe I haven't seen Jennifer Gale since 1999. I was so looking forward to seeing you at the reunion. But we haven't missed a beat since reconnecting last year (so glad for that!). :-)

And my Becca Reese. I wanted most of all to go to the reunion with you. :-( (tear)
Oh well, maybe in 2019 (oh Lord, I will have a 13 year old and a 9 year old). Rewind, let's keep it in good ol' 2009!

Did you guys know that I do have one JD classmate who I am close to who LIVES in AZ?
Randy Bailly! Nick and I are friends with Randy and his wife (Crystal). We are going to meet for dinner next week, as a matter of fact. Nice to see a fellow Syracusian (is that a word?) in the Valley of the SUN!


Jennifer said...

SO SAD! I was looking forward to seeing you! :( Well I guess I will just have to figure out a way to see you in sunny AZ sometime before 2019! There is always a need for a vacation! MISS YOU little Mama!

Becca's Blog... said...

I will take lots of pictures for you... and do some investigative reporting. You'll have to be available via text messaging for a good portion of that Friday night so we can have a running commentary! I will also need to come and visit sometime soon :) Let's figure it out...