So.... I am 21 weeks. Jack is the size of a carrot (about 10.5 inches long and 3/4 of a pound). He moves around a lot and has hiccups. I love this little, carrot boy so much! I can't believe in 4 months I will have 2 kids! I am already starting to stress about work, childcare, etc. etc. But, it will all work out, it always does!
By the way, nothing, I mean nothing is done towards baby Jack's room. The whole office needs to be cleaned out. A major garage sale is in our near future. When we were pregnant with Elayna the room was done right around now. Such a different ride in the second pregnancy... :-)
E is at my parents' house, and Nick and I had a nice date night. I should go to sleep early on these nights, but I catch up on all my DVR recordings, play on the Internet, snoop on facebook, and veg out! It's really nice, and was very much needed.
Since this baby is a boy and a Trinder... please enjoy this very fitting Guns n Roses song for Jack Trinder.
Hi Jack! It's so funny to me that you can feel his hiccups even though he's only the size of a carrot. How are you going to decorate his room? I say dinosaurs. They're the best! Or ask E what she thinks... glad you're feeling well!
That song is the same one mom played for Nick and we remember him everytime we hear it. Love that song!
Wow jack is growing.. cant wait for the little guy to get here.. I Just wanted to let you know that if you need a nanny for Jack . Im your gal.. :) got my Resume finished to find a job but put it on hold until chelsea got married and get her all settled in calif. So i will start looking again the first of the year. My main two things Im heading for is living assitant with the elderly or childcare. Ive done both in the past and really enjoy it and I feel that its my calling.. You and nick have known me for years and I live all of 15 minute away from you.. Just something to think about.. :) I would love to help you out.. I know how hard it is to leave your new baby with strangers.. Its not fun. anyways cant wait to see more pictures of that Belly of yours. Always... D.
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