Jack's Room...
I had Braxton Hicks (false labor) contractions last night which actually woke me up. My body is getting ready for a baby's arrival. After being up two hours and counting contractions (not consistent, thus deemed Braxton Hicks)... Nick and I thought, "We have to get this room done, buy some diapers, and get some onesies!"
After an afternoon shopping trip to Babies R Us and working the past 3 weekends on the nursery (painting it and converting our office to Jack's room and part of our bedroom to an office), it's done! Oh what a relief! As I enter in my 35th week of pregnancy, I am so relieved to have this major hurdle behind us. Jack's room is DONE! We are ready for his arrival!
Also now we can focus on Christmas and decorating the house. Yea! I love this time of year. Merry Christmas, everyone!
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