Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sleep, glorious sleep

My cousins (from my Dad's side) came over to visit Jack today (wonderful visit!), and we started to talk about sleep. It's a well known "Simpson fact" that we are all excellent sleepers and nap takers. My cousins love to sleep too. We like to sleep at night and during the day (the best sleep is during the day-- perfect lighting with the shades closed--ah, perfection). I am so blessed to have passed on this love of sleep to my toddler ("the best sleeper in her class for nap"--exact quote from her preschool teacher) and newborn (sleeps 9p-1a every night--great nap taker too).
Some say you can sleep when you're dead. For me, it's part of how I relax, de-stress, and re-energize. Okay, with all this blogging about sleep, I am getting tired. I'm off to dream land--my kids are already out. Good night!!

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