Baby T is the size of a kumquat.
I am feeling good, for the most part. Still morning sickness here and there, grapes are wonderful! Also skim milk helps to settle my stomach. I have to eat, just as I did with E, every couple hours or I start feeling sick.
I am really pushing myself at work. We open our first unit of the south tower on Tuesday! Yet I need to make sure I don't over do it, drink lots of water, and focus on growing my little human. Easier said than done! :-) (ps-I hate the smell of the south tower. It does not smell bad, just that "new building" smell is sending me over the edge... of a trashcan!).
I feel my clothes are starting to get a little snug... when I was pregant with E, I couldn't wait to show off my baby bump. Now I am like, dear Lord, please let me wear these pants just a few more weeks. I have not gained much weight, and I am tring to watch what I eat... ok, that sounded good... but I am craving MEXICAN food... enchiladas for lunch, and I asked Nick to pick up a Mexican pizza from Taco Bell. Last night it was Burger King. This is how you gain 60 pounds, then have to loose it all, Noelle, remember!?!?
Have a good night, everyone!
Girl you are so funny!! Glad to hear you are feeling better. sorry but i cant wait for your tummy to start getting bigger.. :) Tell that baby to hurry and and start growing lol.
Hey there again. I meant to ask you when can you find out what the sex is of the baby. How far along do you have to be. Cant wait!!
P.S. the comment above is from me. I didnt have a google acct. at the time but now I do. lol
I'm not sure I know the size of kumkwat off hand... and I am certain that I've never tasted one!
10 weeks - yay!
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