Friday, June 26, 2009

"I DO NOT want to be a ballet-er!"

Hi Friends!

We will know the sex of Baby T around 20 weeks gestation, so we have another 10 weeks to go. I am a big time organizer, planner... so we will definitely find out. I know, surprises are fun, but not for this mama!

See all these cute pictures of Elayna above? Ok, don't be fooled... so we get to E's first ballet class... and my pretty, little ballerina freezes. She frimly states, "I DO NOT want to be a ballet-er." She only watches, clutching my pant leg... oh well, I told her she was a great ballet watcher, and we'll try again next week. :-) Next week is TAP, so who knows. I predict more leg clutching in our near future.

1 comment:

Becca's Blog... said...

Haha! Tell her Tap is so much cooler and show her some you-tube videos of cool tappers!