Thursday, July 9, 2009

Do you think it's a boy or a girl?

Do you think the Trinders are having a boy or a girl?

What are your favorite baby names?

I am 12 weeks along now, and into my second trimester.

Same feelings: Overall really well, still have energy, nausea gone (yea!)

Different feelings: Bad headaches, really bad, migraine bad at night,hate clutter in the house, and more vocal about thoughts (Not sure if that's pregnancy related or just the fact that I am more comfortable with myself)

Overall, I love being pregnant. It's pretty amazing to be a woman.

1 comment:

Becca's Blog... said...

I just can't imagine anything other than a boy - so it will probably be a girl...

I like Jake for a boy and Alex for a girl.

and that's my two cents...

Hope your headaches get better!!