Thursday, February 11, 2010

I have a twitter account, and wrote on Monday, "circumcision day :-/." Well, I receive a message when I get home after Jack's circumcision from a group called "intact by choice." Basically "lifers" against circumcision. Who spends their day searching twitter accounts for circumcision posts and send graphic pictures of a circ procedure?? Well, these people, I guess! It bothered me how pushy this group was about our personal family choice. Argh! That is just me venting and thinking of possibly canceling my twitter account.


emmywill said...

To hell with them! For our ped's office, babies are circumsized before they even leave the hospital. And Mitch is just fine. That is just ugly and it makes me want to get rip-roarin'!

Unknown said...

its not people really trolling twitter all day long to push their cause. there are all sorts of bots looking for key words. beyond the annoying social stuff, advertisers are getting on this bandwagon too. just what we need, more ad spam.