I am finding this amazing balance between work and life. I am very happy to be at a place where it all "makes sense." My perspective seems pretty clear : God - Family - Nursing. Also I give it all to God. Life gets messy, so I give that to God, and He helps me sort it out.
(Are you saying to yourself, "Um, that seems like the easy way out, 'give it all to God,' uh, sure, Noelle, whatever...") It's okay to think that, I was at that place to. I thought, "What do all these 'churchy-people' have that I don't. I can't see God, and I definitely can't feel Him." But, I promise you something, God will meet you wherever you are. If you feel so far from Him, it's okay, just ask Him for some help. He'll come on over your way. He's got all the time in the world. If you are feeling upset or sad about something ask this, "God, I really don't know you that well, but I want to get to know you. It feels a little funny talking like this, it's all new to me. I have this issue, and I need your help to figure it out. Please take it from me. Help me." He will answer. Maybe not in the way you anticipated, but He will.
Let me give you some updates on Jack:
Jack is 5 months old! His birthday is 1-23-10.
This baby is such a blessing. His little soul is so calm and laid back. To me, he is a beautiful reminder of how fragile life is and how quick time passes. He reminds me to enjoy every moment.
At five months, little man, is...
-rolling from his back to his stomach
-saying, "ooooo" and "eeeeyeah!" (for my high school friends, exactly like LaQuan!)
-smiling all the time
-watching sister (She saved him tonight from eating a popsicle stick. She is his protector and takes a lot of ownership in her role as big sister. It's an incredible bond at just five months. She keeps saying, "Jackie and I are going to be together for ever, Mommy. Then I melt at her kindness and love for her brother. I expected some jealously, but there is none. It was like he was made for her.)
-putting his hands in the mouth (early teething?)
-kicking his little feet
-still breast feeding like a champ!
-sleeping 10-12 hours straight a night (This did not happen with my Layners ... I would lay her down and she would SCREAM! Jack lays down, folds his little hands, and drifts off to night-night. I seriously think there is a link to the breast feeding and the calmness. What does the evidence show??)
He is such a little lover: snuggles, smiles, and is just a pure slice of heaven.
I am sure something will happen soon, and he will turn into this maniac boy. But right now he is a my sweet, sweet baby with chubby cheeks, thighs, and dimpled hands. I am in love!
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