Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We cherish our weekend days. This weekend we went to the Super Wal-Mart (aka Super Wally). I was pushing the stroller with my adorable little boy in his car seat and beautiful girl lounging on the toddler seat. While Nick was grabbing some milk, I decided to peruse the baby clothes. Then it hit me, Jack does not fit into anything in the baby section. He is outgrowing his 12 month jumpers! OMG! He is growing up!
So I looked at his little dimpled hands and chubby thighs, and "click" took a mental snapshot of that moment. Me in the store with my 4 1/2 month old and his beautiful innocence. When I am an old lady, I will remember my baby smiling with a touch a drool, and E hollering, "Can I get these Dora panties, Mom? Pleeeeaasssee?"
This is what life is all about. Perfect little moments of wonderful normalcy and family.

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