Tuesday, June 16, 2009

9 weeks

Tomorrow Baby T is 9 weeks!
I am feeling really good-for the most part.
Here is what I ate for lunch: cheese sticks, cottage cheese, cheese on top of the cottage cheese, and milk. So we see a theme, right?! Some major dairy going on. I am the daughter-in-law of an organic dairy farmer, but even that is a ton of dairy, even for me (the self-proclaimed unofficial-could-have-been-in another-life-dairy-princess-of Pompey, NY).My sister in law was the Dairy Princess... Major tangent there, anyway, Baby T must have needed it.

Here are some names we are throwing around:
Jack for a boy
Madelyn for a girl

What do you think?



The Bailly's said...

I like them both!!! Funny cause they are similar to what we like...Jackson for a boy and Madison for a girl! :)

Becca's Blog... said...

I love those names... for some reason I can only think about it being a boy. Are you going to find out what it is? And if so, when can this happen??

emmy said...

It's a boy. I don't picture him as a Jack. I'm just saying... I'll love him either way.

Jennifer Rappleye said...

I like them both too! you should find out around 20wks...Hope it's a boy, one of each would be great! You guys going to the JDHS reunion?